Thursday, October 26, 2006

Video Resume - Is this your next format | Impossible is nothing !!

Yale University senior Aleksey Vayner, an aspiring investment banker, applied for a position with financial services company, UBS with believe it or not, an eleven page resume, see here and a Video which portrays his abilities in karate, tennis, and ballroom dancing among other skills required for the job.

Vayner never intended for his materials to travel outside of the UBS walls, but this application somehow was leaked and became the e-mail forward to numerous other investment banks and beyond. He was also covered on national television by MSNBC and Fox News :)

I wish this resume wasn't leaked and i must say that i adore his creativity... if you are reading this, way to go mate :)

Here are the videos...

The Profile

Fox News:


Not sure how the resume got out of UBS. I wish
Aleksey Vayner the best in his job hunt.

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