Friday, December 22, 2006

Why People Change Careers!

I firmly believe that nobody decides to make a move with monetary perspective being the only reason for a change. People decide to move due to various emotions which one goes through his current job. has an amazing article on this, you can find the entire .

Interesting Extracts...

The following list of reasons will probably no surprise to anyone reading this article, but is worth reviewing and considering in your end of year evaluations.
  1. Don´t like their boss
  2. Broken promises / commitments
  3. Lack of appreciation
  4. Lack of personal recognition
  5. Lack of personal growth
  6. Lack of ongoing training
  7. Lack of personal challenge
  8. Lack of respect
  9. Lack of consideration
  10. Geography / Travel Time
  11. Lack of opportunity
  12. Benefits
  13. Lack of input or participation in decision making
  14. Money
Think about it!

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Link to S.R. Clarke - 14 Reasons

1 comment:

Ravi Taneja said...


you are right in this post, there are so many other factors than money alone.