Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why Programmers cannot Program...!

I happened to read about Why Can't Programmers.. Program? on Coding Horror (I really like the Blog name) and on JoelonSoftware. I truly am very convinced with their remarks and I totally agree that most of the entry level programmers really don't know to code. In fact most of the Job seekers don't even look at Jobs before they apply - Thanks to the Apply All button on Monster and competing job search engines!

How this can be avoided:-
  1. Coding Test are given during campus placements rather than just the aptitude tests
  2. Coding skills are given more weightage vis-a-vis just plain aptitude
  3. Computer Science graduates should b interviewed rather than other specializations in engineering
  4. IT companies really don't engineers for Cut, Copy and Paste.... Challenge them !!!
  5. Focus a lot on Training right after hire and give freshers more time before they actually are put on projects. In fact, most of IT engineers in India do not have a Computer Science Degree!
  6. Candidates hardly read JDs - Job descriptions should be read before you apply for a position.
  7. Never shortlist a programmer without a coding test (My personal experience) and finally
  8. Brands sell but on the Job - NEVER !
Check out the discussions on Technorati !

After reading these I am sure you will realize why Talent is Hard to find :)

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